Between vacation, my parents visiting, and regular day-to-day stuff my time has been occupied. We also had computer issues- I'm typing on a new lap top and the kids are currently playing on a new desk top- two new computers are OUCH on the budget. So that's where I've been. (I've been playing hookie this summer and just having fun.)
But now I'm getting back to normal life. The kids are starting homeschool on Monday and I'm back to homestead activities. (Read: cooking from scratch, prepping and planting for fall gardening, u-picking fruit etc. and preserving it and numerous other projects.)
My DH and I took a break from weight loss from the end of May to the end of July so we are starting back up on that. Back to daily exercise and kicking out the junk food. The good news is that during our "break", we didn't gain any weight- we just didn't lose any. (It's all that summer ice cream!) Expect blog posts on our progress.
Also on a back road country bike ride we found a very nice property that is up for sale. We would love to purchase it but we currently have too much debt to make the purchase. The good news on that is... it has kicked us in the rear end to get ourselves out of debt once and for all. Even the kids said they would stop "wanting" stuff if it means we could get into that or some like it. They and the DH and I are willing to cut way, way back and get frugal. So expect some blog posts on this effort.
Frugality is great but to hasten the mission of getting out of debt, the kids and I are going to be trying to make some $$ from home. So lots of posts about this are going to be coming soon too. I've got lots of ideas but right now I'm praying and seeing where the Lord leads in this regard.
So that's where I've been and where the Lewis clan will be heading. Barring any unforseen
happenings (which happen frequently when you five children) I hope to get back to daily posting. Comments really motivate me so please "talk" to me!
Sounds like an exciting summer!
I stumbled upon your blog this morning and enjoyed reading your posts. 1 Thes 4:11-12 is my favorite verse (I reflect on that verse often and just yesterday I was discussing it with my husband. Neat to see it's your favorite too.)
Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you on your journey and help "motivate" you.
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