Our family has gotten on the "health" band wagon. My husband got motivated to loose the extra weight he's been carrying around for years (89 lb loss so far) and to do that we've changed eating habits and added daily exercise to our routine.
Spring has been fun. Now that John and I have gotten bikes we go for a daily ride in the country. It burns calories and is wonderfully relaxing at the same time. I look forward to it and the kids really enjoy it too. We also plan on adding hiking to our exercise program and of course when Lake Michigan warms up- swimming.
The added bonus of this new lifestyle has been all the extra energy we have to work on homesteading projects. We are expanding our garden (leading to more canning, cooking and maybe a little extra to sell), built a top bar beehive to start working on keeping bees (which will lead to our own honey, beeswax, and candlemaking), built a greenhouse (great for seed starting and later seed saving), and the DH plans on building our own picnic table so we are able to say bye,bye to the indoors for the spring/summer and spend more time outside. Time to disconnect from the T.V. (Except for Biggest Loser- of course. Gotta keep the weight loss motivation going.)
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