Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bread and Casserole

I apologize for the couple of days with no posts. I wanted to post pictures and I am not a tech girl. I had to wait for my husband to be able to download the pictures off the camera and onto the computer.

The casserole of the other night turned out great! Only one child didn't care for it. I ended up not putting in eggs but using mushrooms instead that I sauteed in butter with garlic and onion. I also used extra toppings. Not only did I use mozzerrella cheese but bread crumbs and bacon bits.

The non-bread machine french bread also turned out better.




Homemade french bread


Anonymous said...

The pictures look great. I think they had so much more to a blog.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

oops - that's supposed to be "add" not "had."