Saturday, March 15, 2008

We have a girl name!

After proposing at least 100 different options for girl names, the DH has okayed one: Taylor Hazel! Hazel was one of my DH's grandmothers. Taylor is a girl I know at my children's Bible club.

So now we wait 3 or 4 more months, until ultrasound time, to find out if we need the boy or girl name. Unless the baby decides not to let us know.

Don't ask me what I want because I'm not sure. I'll be good either way. We do have a lot more girl handme downs, but my son and DH need some more male blood in the house.

1 comment:

Dana said...

I have a niece named Taylor and had an aunt named Hazel! Love your boy's name also. Maybe you'll get one of each....!

For some reason, the name Madelyn came to me last night. We aren't looking for more children, but I guess you never know. I once felt that God told me we'd get a boy and were to name him Stephen. We still only have two girls, but, again, you just never know!

How are you feeling?