I have been waiting and watching and so ready to post this. Finally! This weekend we got a decent amount of snow. I, still, would love a lot more but this is great! You can't really tell in the picture but it is 5 inches. Here in Michigan they take great care of the roads for winter driving so once we got out of our neighborhood it was easy driving to church. Our pastor is from Michigan's upper peninsula so he very rarily will cancel a service do to weather. All the kids in the neighborhood (and plenty adults too) were out playing in it yesterday afternoon. It was beautiful... the sun was shining on all the fluffy, pristine snow.
Congrats on your long awaited arrival. :)
It's so beautiful! It always makes me think of the verse..."Tho your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow...
We also got our first "real" snow this weekend (Missouri).
I grew up way north in Canada - so this snow makes me feel like it's "beginning to look a lot like Christmas"...only problem is it will probably be gone by the 25th.
We need to do our driving around/looking at Christmas lights while their is still snow...they are so much more beautiful and look appropriate when their is snow.
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