Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hodge Podge Day

Well, yesterday I had quite the list to accomplish. I must say, I got everything crossed off of it except for the cupcake baking/decorating and the stitchery. I could have done the stitchery but I opted to flip through the items I purchased at the bookstore yesterday.

I purchased the current issue of Mother Earth News. ( I hate the name of the mag. but the info is always good.) I didn't actually read the articles last night and I'm hoping I get to today. There is an article on finding your dream homestead and some info on finding "free" land. There is also info on growing food in containers. (Great for me since I can't plant an in-ground garden where we currently are.) And lastly a guide to growing lettuce. I love lettuce. It is the one vege I can't live with out. The one article I did read was on dandilions and how to grow, harvest and eat them. I stand by dandilions as a defender of them. My husband sees them as weeds; I see them as useful plants. I don't eat them currently as there are plenty of other options for "greens" in our local. (Greens the husband will not gag at.) But if there comes a day, when food is scarce, I'm going to be picking those "weeds".

My other purchase was "Candymaking" by Ruth A. Kendrick and Pauline H. Atkinson. Again, I only skimmed the book but I'm anxious to put in a more thorough reading. My eldest has already picked out some recipes to try: cream cheese mints and sugared popcorn. (Oh, and lollipops.) I'm more interested in the jellied candies, cherry cordials and butter mints. I'll review the book in the future when I've spent a little more time with it.

Today's to-do list features:

1. Basic house pick up

2. Dishes and laundry work

3. A run to Costco to pick up new glasses for myself and DD1. Order glasses for DD2. (Of course they called to say the glasses had arrived after I was home from errands yesterday.)

4. School (We're starting a study of Medieval Europe.)

5. Cupcakes

6. Stichery or read or write

Of course meals and DH's work lunch must be made too. Lest you all think I'm super-pregnant woman... this would be an ideal day of accomplishments. It doesn't mean it will happen. Yesterday I felt really good. Today, I'm feeling kind of blah.

1 comment:

Dana said...

My dad used to get Mother Earth News when I was a kid. I remember sneaking it so I could read the articles. Why did I feel the need to sneak it? Hard to tell! Loved it back then, but haven't seen a copy in YEARS!

I've made cream cheese mints MANY times. The secret is to let them dry very well so they are crunchy on the outside, but soft on the inside. I made them for our wedding and froze them ahead of time. Just to make them look "more homemade" I scooped them with a tiny scoop, rolled them in balls, rolled them in the sugar, then flattened them with a fork like you do peaunt butter cookies. They looked very nice! I made some at Christmas last year and they were gone in a flash!

Your husband sees dandilions as weed, you see them as helpful plants, and my daughter sees them as beautiful flowers--on the same level as some might see roses! She presented me with a bouquet of them just yesterday.
